Thursday, September 8, 2011

let me update

I know it has been forever since I updated this. Summer came and went. The older kids went to West Virginia and had a blast with their Nana and Papa. The babies and I just hung around the house and did nothing to exciting and Andy well he had to get himself in another car accident. Jake is doing football and is almost as big as Andy. Hannah is become a little woman. Jordan and Madison they are still my stick figures. And well Lilly is finally potty trained. Now I just need to get Olivia out of diapers and I would be a happy girl. However, I do not see that for another couple of months. Next week I think I might but up Halloween decorations. I know it is early but if I wait to long it will be to cold to want to put them up. I will post pictures soon. tata for now.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Jake's Car

So, Andy got Jake a car for Jake 8th grade graduation present. You might ask why would we get Jacob a car already well because it was free. All it cost us was a trade for our non-running 1989 Honda Accord that another family wanted.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Another year down

Well everybody and any one who will look at this all the kids are another year older. Actually my youngest just turned one. She is just the cutiest. Lilly and her love to chase each other around the house making each other laugh. It just has to be the cutiest sound. Jake, Hannah and Maddi are all playing basketball and in their own way are doing great. Jordan is just the loner who comes home and helps me make dinner and helps me with the babies. I am just love all my kids and fell so blessed to have them as my children. Anyways just want to post some picture of the aging baby.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


OK so the kids are all doing good. Jake did another year of football. His team went 4 and 3. Jake did so much better this year then last but still needs a little improvement. The girls are all doing awesome. Olivia is almost walking she differently will be by the end of November. Anyhoo, the kids for Halloween are as Follows. Jake is a scary clown, Hannah is a punk rocker, Jordan is a battiernia, Madison is the grim reappear, Lilly is a care bear and Olivia is a frog.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

To Our Ty Guy....

Thank you Ty for being such a wonderful dog to our Family. When you arrived here on Aug 22, 2008 Hannah was overjoyed to have a dog to herself. Even though you where Hannah's dog you loved to follow me around. You sat by the bathroom tub waiting for me to get out of the shower, or snuck into my room to sleep with me or under the bed when I kicked you off. You would scratch at the door to be let in and out. Now I just wish you were around to do all the stuff we loved about you and even the stuff that annoyed us. You Ty, was a great dog. I hope Heavenly Father enjoys you as much as we have. You are just a thought away but I wish you were closer. I want to let you know that you were loved you very much and we are thankful that you were in our lives, even if it was shorter than we wanted it to be. REST IN PEACE TY.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Are we bad parents

Right now Lilly does not like to go down for naps so, we have a skeleton at her door so she will not try to get out of her room. She screams like there is no tomorrow but she does go down after awhile. I kind of feel guilty for doing this but at the same time I think it is kind of funny. So yes I guess I am a bad mom.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

What can I say

I know I have been slacking big time on this. Well it summer break for the kids. Jake has job mowing a lady's yard and hoping to fine more odd jobs to do around the neighborhood. Hannah is in summer school and loving it makes her feel special. Jordan and Madison are just hang out and getting reacquaint with old toys like Mr and Mrs Potato heads. And Lilly and Olivia, well nothing to new with them. Lilly is still our trouble maker and Olivia shes is just to cute for words. Anyways I just wanted to post a picture of our grump old guy that has moved in. He kind of reminds us of the old man from the movie Monster House.